Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Vitamins... vitamin c only or with zinc?

As mothers we always want to provide the best for our little ones and we take extra effort to make sure that our child is properly nourished and healthy especially that they are growing and developing over time. My baby's pedia is my cousin, so I am lucky not to have to buy vitamins for my baby because she just give me samples, and baby cereals too. At this present economic crisis, we need all the help we can get to cut costs, and let us admit it, baby food and vitamins are expensive.
I had been using Ceelin for my baby's vitamin c supplement, but now that he has turned 6 months, my pedia recommended I switch to PedZinc Plus C, this is a vitamin c supplement with zinc. She said that this is anew development in that before, zinc had been too unstable to be included in vitamins and that zinc is important because it boosts the immune system of the body. Now, I was convinced, more so because she gave me a dozen boxes of PedZinc...tee hee...
I looked up the prices of Ceelin and PedZinc and I found that Ceelin is much more expensive than PedZinc, with the added benefits of zinc, I would definitely go with PedZinc. It has been two weeks since my baby started with the new vitamin drops and I noticed that he has better appetite, he finishes his milk faster, eats cereals more and does not sneeze as much.
How many of you have switched to vitamin c with zinc? What have you noticed?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Help! A Harried Mom

I had Joaquin last year, and I was already 30 years old. I had been hoping for a baby since I got married and that was 6 years ago, not for the lack of wanting a baby but because of physical and biological reasons. Needless to say, I feel I am not that energetic and active as I had been a few years ago and keeping up with baby's antics and needs seem to drain my physical strength. But I do enjoy caring for him and I love looking at him, playing and cooing and laughing with him. However, it is in the mornings that I seem to be harried and short-tempered.

I wake up at 6:00 am, Joaquin usually wakes up at 5:00 am, but since my hubby wakes up earlier, he watches the baby while I try to sleep a bit more. Then everybody rushes around to prepare for work (hubby) and school (sister). I don't have a nanny, my mother-in-law babysits Joaquin during the day when I work, and she goes home at 5:30 pm when I arrive from work. When I wake up, I also have to see to it that my hubby has his lunch packed, check on what's for breakfast, pick-up discarded clothes, toys, books and prepare my stuff for work too.

My mother-in-law usually arrives at around 7:30 in the morning. Before she arrives, I have to bath Joaquin, dress him, give him his vitamins, and put him in his crib and put on the Brainy Baby dvd for him to watch. You would probably ask why I am harried with a seemingly simple task... try doing it alone! Hubby and sister leave for work and school before 7:00 am, thus I am left alone with baby. Luckily, we live near where I work, a mere 5 minutes would already take me from home to work.

I had been looking for a house help for two months, but its very difficult nowadays, even here in the province, people tend to be more modern, they want to be salesladies than be a househelper. Joaquin is pretty manageable, he is not whiny, he drink his milk well, he eats well, and he is not fussy, although sometimes he wants to get his way. He is very active though, he keeps on rocking, crawling, banging and pulling anything that he fancies. It's getting difficult to bath him alone because he grasps the sides of the baby basin, he grabs my hair and arms when I am shampooing him, and he throws the rubber ducky I gave him to play with! I don;t know, if younger moms would not be as harried and challenged as I am, but I do think that having a baby is one of the best experiences in life, sweat, tears, laughter, poopoos and all.

Do you have any tips as to how I can be more composed than harried in the morning? Please do share, I really need all the help I can have.

We just had rain last night and most of the day that resulted to the flooding of our backyard and walk way. It meant I could not go out of the house to go to work and I had to stay home until the water level decreased. I stayed home with Joaquin and I was able to squeeze in extra work writing and setting-up my blog.

I had run out of words and lately my creative juices had been low, I had been sick, distraught and too tired to be able to complete any substantial work that would result to a substantial income. But with the pouring rain early this morning and Joaquin's soothing snore as he took his morning nap gave me enough strength to be able to finish my deadlines and some office work too. I forgot how much I enjoyed the rain, the rhythmic patter of the raindrops calmed my anxious mind and allowed me to focus on my work. It is very difficult to write when your thoughts are not composed, when I am in that state, my sentences go nowhere and it is funny how my troubles are written into my work!

Of course, it took me most of the morning to finish a short paper because I had to constantly check on Joaquin as he slept, then he woke up and demanded a bottle. Luckily I have burned a copy of YOUR BABY CAN READ which is a video series that introduces and teaches babies to READ... yes, as in READ and believe me, my little boy seems to be enjoying it! And I don't know if it would really help him read earlier, but if it does then my boy has the advantage. He was so engrossed with the video that it gave me enough time to prepare for the office and believe it, prepare lunch!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Long Overdue Post

It was in November last year that I decided to take blogging seriously and possibly earn money from it. However, I was too caught up in being a mom and I had to juggle the demands of motherhood, work and being a wife. I am no stranger to caring and nurturing babies but having your own child is a different story than just babysitting or being a nanny to a nephew, cousin or sister. Besides, I had to adjust having my Hubby around the house for good, since for 6 years of marriage he had been away working in a different place and I had been used to being alone most of the day and nights. I know that this post is overdue and I am feeling guilty about it, but from now on, I promise to update this blog on a daily basis.

As an update on my journey to being a mother, my baby is now 6 months old and he is eating solid food, we have established a routine and he is quite responsive and good natured, although I have noticed that he is beginning to have symptoms of tantrums and attention getting from my mother-in-law who babysits him during the day while I am at work. It might surprise you that I don't have a full time nanny at home when I work 8 to 5 and have my online sidelines. But I will save that for a later post. For now, I am quite happy with how my journey is going and I am happiest most when baby is contentedly sleeping, playing, feeding and laughing.