Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Vitamins... vitamin c only or with zinc?

As mothers we always want to provide the best for our little ones and we take extra effort to make sure that our child is properly nourished and healthy especially that they are growing and developing over time. My baby's pedia is my cousin, so I am lucky not to have to buy vitamins for my baby because she just give me samples, and baby cereals too. At this present economic crisis, we need all the help we can get to cut costs, and let us admit it, baby food and vitamins are expensive.
I had been using Ceelin for my baby's vitamin c supplement, but now that he has turned 6 months, my pedia recommended I switch to PedZinc Plus C, this is a vitamin c supplement with zinc. She said that this is anew development in that before, zinc had been too unstable to be included in vitamins and that zinc is important because it boosts the immune system of the body. Now, I was convinced, more so because she gave me a dozen boxes of PedZinc...tee hee...
I looked up the prices of Ceelin and PedZinc and I found that Ceelin is much more expensive than PedZinc, with the added benefits of zinc, I would definitely go with PedZinc. It has been two weeks since my baby started with the new vitamin drops and I noticed that he has better appetite, he finishes his milk faster, eats cereals more and does not sneeze as much.
How many of you have switched to vitamin c with zinc? What have you noticed?


  1. hi!

    Try Zeeplus. It's cheaper than the current brand you're using.

  2. hi, i am sorry about the non sequitur comment. however i saw your comment in kaye's blog about having 3 demonoid accounts. would you be so kind enough to give me a code or allow me to use one of your accounts?

    i am a freelance writer who works at home. i believe it was the best decision i have made because it affords me to attend to the growing years of my daughters. also, being a cancer survivor, i have very limited career options in a country that still regards the illness as a death sentence.

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    have a nice day everyday.

    also, can we be blog buddies as well? :)

  3. I like Pedzinc as well! We were using it when I was appoached by someone who gave me samples of Zeeplus, but son didn't like it...and neither did my pedia! Napagalitan pa ako because I didn't follow his prescription, haha ;p

  4. ceelin now has zinc. it's called ceelin plus.

  5. It’s hard to find low cost vitamins nowadays. It’s good that you have someone to provide you with it. Growing babies, especially those who don’t eat a varied diet, don’t get enough vitamin C and A. It is also difficult to get vitamin D on food alone, so it’s vital that they take vitamins. But after 4 to 6 months, when she starts to eat solid food, the doctor may or may not recommend additional vitamin supplements.

  6. i used ceelin for my baby when she's 3-6 months old and she loves the taste. but when i switched to pedzinc, she cries alot then I will secondly give her her cherifer to counter the not-so-good taste of pedzinc. i tried also to put it on my pumped breast milk and she hated it. I also don't want to put it in her solid food because she will not completely take the dosage, some will get wasted. All mothers want to give the best for their babies.. I hope PedZinc will add enough flavors as much as like as ceelin.

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