Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Long Overdue Post

It was in November last year that I decided to take blogging seriously and possibly earn money from it. However, I was too caught up in being a mom and I had to juggle the demands of motherhood, work and being a wife. I am no stranger to caring and nurturing babies but having your own child is a different story than just babysitting or being a nanny to a nephew, cousin or sister. Besides, I had to adjust having my Hubby around the house for good, since for 6 years of marriage he had been away working in a different place and I had been used to being alone most of the day and nights. I know that this post is overdue and I am feeling guilty about it, but from now on, I promise to update this blog on a daily basis.

As an update on my journey to being a mother, my baby is now 6 months old and he is eating solid food, we have established a routine and he is quite responsive and good natured, although I have noticed that he is beginning to have symptoms of tantrums and attention getting from my mother-in-law who babysits him during the day while I am at work. It might surprise you that I don't have a full time nanny at home when I work 8 to 5 and have my online sidelines. But I will save that for a later post. For now, I am quite happy with how my journey is going and I am happiest most when baby is contentedly sleeping, playing, feeding and laughing.

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